
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Introducing our POLKA DOT PLAYMATES!

We're super duper excited to roll out a new line of toys this past week - POLKA DOT PLAYMATES! They're cute and funky little hardwood toys that can be teethers, grasping toys, and/or imagination play pieces.  The funnest (I know that's not a real word, but it just has to be said!) part about them are the colorful little polka dots we've added. 

You might think of these one-of-a-kind gems as our "teething toys with a little extra pizzazz"...  

Georgia Giraffe has always been one of our favorite teethers, but she really was just begging for her very own giraffe spots.  (We think she was feeling a bit self-conscious about not having them, so this has really made her day!)  Her she is, all dressed up and happy as a clam:
Georgia giraffe

We've had spring on our minds lately.  Our backyard is home to some lovely little butterflies and ladybugs, both of which inspired these playmates:

cute-as-a-button ladybug

crazy colorful butterfly

For those of you who know a soon-to-be Daddy, this is an especially darling little polka dot necktie:

funky necktie

If any other shapes that are polka dot-friendly come to mind, please share your ideas!

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Adventure Begins....

Welcome to STT's blog! A place for you to:
  • get to know the faces behind Smiling Tree
  • read and share tips, stories, and experiences for all things "natural, organic, and eco-friendly for little ones and their parents"
  • get insiders' tips, catch sneak previews, and enter contests for Smiling Tree toys 
  • learn what we're up to in our little corner of Minnesota
  • and some other stuff (gotta leave it opened ended - who knows where this adventure will take us!)
Our Etsy toy shop is "GOIN' GANGBUSTERS" as Justin likes to say...  We're thrilled to be oh-so-close to our 100th sale, we're introducing new toys - Polkadot Playmates - this week, and we just opened a few wholesale accounts. 

Perhaps our most impressive feat as of late, though, as that we've done all of this while taking care of our little TEETHING MONSTER (aka our 7 month old little lady Amana).

Here she is now, discovering grass for the first time (Yes, spring has *finally* sprung in Minnesota. We were beginning to wonder...)

"I'm lovin' this green stuff!"

~~~~~Welcome and enjoy!~~~~~